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The Australian Map laid over this World Map can help you Visualize how vast the Country Is

These overlaid Australian maps show the relative size of Australia over the world maps to help in comparing it to the other ares in the world.

At approximately the same scale it is quite easy to compare something you know to the relatively large land area of Australia.

For easy comparison Australia’s land area is 7,706,168 sq km.

Europe on the other hand has a square km area of 3,483,066.sq km.

Australia is just about twice as large as all of Europe and is two thirds as large as the continental United States.

It is remarkable that Tourists arrive here in Australia thinking they will rent a car and drive all over it in a two weeks holiday.

They come totally unprepared for the vast stretches of unsettled space between services along our roads.

By services I am talking about places you may be able to get food, fuel, mechanical services, if lucky, and most importantly since we have very large deserts, Water.

For those of you who may have thought I would add toilets to the list of essential services you are mistaken as you will carry toilet paper and get close to nature in the vastness of the Australian outback

For those of you who like the beach there is about 12,000 km of beach.

Plenty of room for you, your beach chair and umbrella.

There are many areas in which you may be the only people visible on a beach.

Study your Australian maps before you travel because your GPS is only reliable when not needed.

See our section on tourism in the Northern Territory.Aboriginal Art is available in all major cities but it is produced mostly in the Northern Territory, Central Desert and Arnhem land areas of Australia where the Australian aboriginal culture is alive and well.

Contact us through our contact page for more detailed maps of those areas.

Maps Australia over the world, courtesy of www.bartelpc.com.au