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Rey Delrosario 



Rey is the adopted brother of Dennis Dunburi and was taught to paint by him and as his brother he is able to paint his dreaming stories and work in collaboration with Dennis on the art works

Rey paints in the traditional style of the Arnhem land bark painters who paint with ochre on the bark of the stringy bark tree (eucalyptus tetradonta) using a technique of cross hatching call Raark .His paintings depict themes of the Saltwater people of the Oenpelli area where Dennis grew up Billabong, Turtle, Barramundi, Crocodile, Lightning Man and the Creation Story

Rey has adapted these traditional techniques to the more modern and convenient medium of acrylic on canvas. Rey can spend months working on a painting and his works are characterized by his intricate and delicate design work and meticulous attention to detail

Most artists paint the Dreamings over which they have owners ship (Kurdu) However, they may also paint their parents or other close relatives Dreamings with the kurdus permission: Aboriginal Artists of the Western Desert A Biographical Dictionary.

Vivien Johnson

 This is a photo of Rey with his work ‘Billabong Dreaming’